Addison has become quite a bookworm. She loves to have books read to her. She and Joe have a new weekend ritual. She climbs into our bed with her favorite books and he reads to her. couldn't resist this photo op today.
Addison has been taking a weekly gymnastics class for about 2 months. When she started she would sit in the middle of the mats and cry for the whole hour. After two weeks, I was ready to give up. The third week something happened...she started having fun. After about two months, she will let the teacher touch her, she jumps on the trampoline and even will go upside down around the bar. Just last week Addison decided to jump off the trampoline into the foam pit all by herself. This is about a 3 foot drop!
Addison is learning to talk and will say her name, but it sounds something like "Athsssuuun". She's also doing well with "peas" and "dank a". Her new favorite word is "jumpy", but that sounds more like "dumpy" and her favorite activity is jumping on beds, couches, and when she can't get on either of those, she'll settle for the floor.
I have more great pictures, but this silly blogger is frustrating me. I'll try another day. I'll try not to go so long between posts :)