I have an addiction to flowers and antiques. Joe would probably describe the antiques as junk and that's probably a better description than antiques. Anything that is rusty, old, will give you splinters when you sit on it or looks old is perfect for the house or yard.
I also have a thing for flowers. Sunflowers and daisies are my favorite. Anything that resembles a sunflower or daisy can probably be found in my yard. As you can see from this picture, I really like chaos in the yard. I love how everything just blends together.
Last year I tried to plant mostly perennials so that I wouldn't have to plant as many flowers this year. With everything that I started in the greenhouse this spring, I think I've probably planted close to 200 plants this year. Last fall when I cut down the sunflowers, I left the heads. Now there is a sunflower forest growing. I think it will look really neat when they all start blooming.
I also love anything that climbs. I put an old bedframe piece out and planted some kind of climbing vine that the lady at the nursery said was "hardy and easy to grow". PERFECT!! It has gone crazy and almost covered the bedframe. I also planted these seeds to grow under this new fertilizer bin planter. As the plants started to climb up, Joe was sure that they were weeds. I couldn't remember what I planted and protested so he wouldn't pull them. Joe got on the internet and found out that I had planted Morning Glories and they are considered a weed. Well, how was I supposed to know that they would sell weeds in packets at the store??? Besides, the flower on the front of the package look pretty. We'll see what happens when these things take over the whole yard :)
The front porch has the cool old chairs that no one can sit in because they will give you splinters. They look neat though.
Today Joe asked me if I wanted to go for a drive to Prineville. I agreed because I knew that there are several junk stores there and if I was lucky maybe we could stop at one. To my surprise, we went to a junk store that had several old rusty wheelbarrows for sale. A few weeks ago I mentioned that I needed an old wheelbarrow for the yard. Sometime last week Joe went on a farm call and saw this store with all the wheelbarrows. How nice of him to take me there to pick one out! When we got home, Joe unloaded it and filled it with dirt. Now I just need more flowers (and to pull some more weeds)!
This kind of addiction can't be that bad :)