Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Dad's Way

Last night I played tennis so Joe was responsible for getting Addison to bed. She was in the bath when I left and everything looked like it was going fine.

When I got home, Joe informed me that Addison almost had a haircut! After her bath, she found a Yo-Go (yogurt covered fruity candy) in her high chair. She put it in her mouth then took it out and rubbed it in her hair. Since he had just put her pjs on, Joe didn't want to give her another bath so he decided to wash her hair in the kitchen sink. "She was such a squirm and so difficult that I almost got the scissors and cut her hair. But I didn't think that would be very good," was what Joe told me when I got home.

I think that washing her hair in the sink would be much harder than another bath..but dad has his own way of doing things. All's well, Addison woke up clean with all her hair still on her head!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

DAd's way is ALWAYS the hardest way!

Sorry about the Yo Go introduction! What misery it has caused poor Joe and his barbering abilities!