A week ago Saturday, Addison took a tumble onto the concrete. She didn't catch herself with her hands so her eye and nose made first contact with the concrete. She had a pretty good shiner the next day.

We have all had a little cold for the past week and on Friday morning Addison woke up with very goobery eyes. I figured that her tear ducts were blocked again and didn't really think much of it. Addison and I went to visit Shawna in Portland as planned. Addison slept the whole drive and when we got there her eyes were really puffy and yucky. (Nurse) Shawna helped me rinse them with some saline and she agreed that it was probably just blocked tear ducts and no reason for concern.
On Saturday, Shawna thought Addison's eyes were looking much better and so we decided to go on with our day and not take Addison to the urgent care. We went to the Beaverton Saturday Market and went home with lots of wonderful fresh fruits and veggies then took a trip to Nordstom for a quick shoe shopping trip!
Well, here at home, Joe's eyes started bothering him and I didn't know this until LATE on Saturday night. I didn't put all of this together until I woke up on Sunday morning with a very red eye. HMMM...wonder if we all have pink eye? Joe went to the urgent care in Redmond and sure enough he has pink eye. The doctor was nice enough to give Joe a prescription for antibiotics for all of us.
We called Addison's daycare yesterday to cancel for today. Today the daycare called to tell me that one other kid is out of daycare with pink eye and another kid was treated last week. So, maybe it wasn't our fault! Since Addison couldn't go to daycare today, I couldn't go to work. I feel like a total slacker when I call in "sick" and only work two days a week! Today Addison looks great. Joe and I still look like we've been smoking too much of an illegal substance.

So, while we were playing hookie, Addison and I shared an Otter Pop. She wasn't too sure about the coldness, but soon decided that it tasted "umm" (this is something she learned during her last visit to grandma's). After the Otter Pop, Addison wandered over to the dogs and Gauge really enjoyed cleaning her hands and face. I wasn't quick enough to get a picture though.
Since another child is out of daycare with pink eye, Addison can go tomorrow and I get to go to work. I guess it is make-up for missing today. It makes me feel a like a little less of a slacker.