Since the weather is cold and snowy, rainy, and sometimes hailing, I decided to get started on a home improvement project. Our guest bedroom has been described as the "most stressful room to wake up in" by Shawna's husband John. Everytime they come to visit I appologize to John that he will have a stressful morning. The previous owners had two little girls and this is one of the rooms we still haven't painted. This picture shows a little of the red argyle wall, ladybug border and flying bumble bee!

Over the weekend I got the majority of the room taped and primed. Yesterday while Addison was napping, I got out all my supplies and tried to open the paint bucket. I couldn't get it to budge so I put my foot in the middle of the lid hoping that would help to get it open. I was a little shocked when my foot went right through the lid and into the bucket and all the way to the bottom. My slippers, socks, sweats and the garage floor were covered with paint. So about the time I got the mess cleaned up Addison woke up from her nap and didn't want to spend anytime in her playpen so painting was done for the day. I'm not sure if the slipper is salvageable. When Joe got home he asked how the painting went. I told him what happened and he just shook his head. I guess he knows that it could have been worse!

Yesterday Addison was standing at the kitchen doors tormenting the dogs. I couldn't resist going outside and taking a couple of pictures. Joe reminded me that now I can't blame the dogs for the dirty windows.