Addison's new "car" is helping her to learn the art of walking. She has improved so much over the past few days. I took some great video but can't figure out how to get the video from the camera to the computer. These photos will just have to do! She cruises across the house and smacks into the wall. Then she just pushes as hard as she can in any direction to get the "car" to move. Whatever works!! She is very determined. If the "car" stops moving, she'll start pushing her high chair until it is stuck too.

Addison will be a year old in a little over a week. I'm sure she'll be toddling around on her own just in time for her birthday party!
Joe & Lindsay- I love checking your blog and looking at the pictures. Addison is so cute and growing so fast! You all look great and I'm happy life is treating you well! We'll be coming out to the coast in June- don't know if you want to make the drive over... Kari Cline
She is so cute and I bet she is all over the place. Watch out!!
I love those cheeks of hers. Love em!
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